地下深くへ Into the Deep
(教室・アビス 昼)
Abyssian Classroom | Daytime
アルファルド: ……いいえ、それは私が許しません。君たちを危険な目に遭わせたくないんです。
Aelfric: The answer is no. I will not allow it. It is far too dangerous.
コンスタンツェ: けれど理由を突き止めてしまえば、危険を排除できるかもしれませんのよ!
Constance: Ah, but if we can determine its origin, we may eliminate the very danger that vexes you!
バルタザール: ご存知でしょうが、地下には戦う術を持たねえ連中がごまんといるんです。
Balthus: You already know this, but there are plenty of folks down here who can't defend themselves.
If these attacks keep up, eventually they'll find themselves in harm's way.
アルファルド: ……それは承知しています。ですが、今は勝手な行動は控えてください。……約束を。
Aelfric: Yes, I am aware. However, for the time being, you must promise to refrain from acting recklessly.
My dear flock has suffered enough as it is. You needn't take any further risks.
ヒルダ: 意外に頑固? コンスタンツェちゃんたちのことがよほど心配なんだろうね、あの人。
Hilda: Surprisingly overbearing, isn't he? He must really care about you guys.
コンスタンツェ: ええ……心配はありがたいのですけれど、やはり根本を解決しなくては何も……
Constance: Most certainly. Yet if we fail to nip this problem in the bud...I shudder to think of what will transpire.
コンスタンツェ: ……ああ、貴方! ちょうどいいところに!畑に翠雨とはこのことですわね!
Constance: Aha, it's you! In the nick of time, as it were.
Come, let us venture into the deep, deep underground. The chalice of legend awaits!
Choice 1: 地下? We're going underground?
コンスタンツェ: そう! 大修道院の更に奥深く!宝杯が眠るという“封印の谷”へ!
Constance: But of course! Deeper and deeper still beneath the monastery, to the Chasm of the Bound.
Choice 2: 宝杯…… The chalice...
コンスタンツェ: アルファルド様が仰っていたでしょう?宝杯の眠る“封印の谷”を目指しますわよ!
Constance: Aelfric told us all about it, and so we must locate this mystical place and grab hold of the waiting prize!
ハピ: ……コニーさ。アルフさんの話、聞いてた?
Hapi: Coco... You didn't hear a word Elfie said, did you?
コンスタンツェ: ええ! ですが……あの方だって、本当はこの問題を解決したいと思っているはず。
Constance: I surely did, but we must read between the lines. Aelfric wants a solution as badly as we do.
And so, we shall seek out the Chalice of Beginnings and present it to the church!
If our enemies desire the object, this should halt all future attacks on Abyss! Ahaha! Brilliant, no?
クロード: ……よくわからんが、その宝杯ってのは伝承によると封印されてるんだろ?
Claude: I'm not so sure about that. According to legend, there's some kind of binding that protects it from would-be thieves.
Even if we find it, we can't just walk up and take it unless we figure out how to break that thing.
コンスタンツェ: そ、それならそれで良いのですわ!封印の無事が確認できるわけですし……。
Constance: Ah, but that is simplicity itself! We shall first ascertain whether it is still bound, and then... we shall release it!
バルタザール: だが、その谷とやらはどこにあるんだ。そんなもん、聞いたことねえぞ?
Balthus: But where is this chasm, anyway? I've never even heard of the place, much less seen it.
コンスタンツェ: 実は私、新たな隠し通路を発見したのです!それも深く地下へと繋がっていそうな……
Constance: As luck would have it, I have discovered yet another secret passage! It appears to go deep underground.
According to my superior instincts, it undoubtedly leads to the Chasm of the Bound!
ユーリス: よくわからねえが、いいんじゃねえの?宝杯なんぞに興味はねえが……
Yuri: Huh. I suppose it's worth a look.
I don't care about finding some old cup, but if it could help us protect Abyss, I'll support the cause.
コンスタンツェ: 貴方たちも暇を持て余しているでしょう?当然、手伝ってくださるわよね?
Constance: You surface dwellers do not have anything else to do at present, do you? You'll assist us, will you not?
Choice 1: 暇ではない We busy. Very busy.
クロード: まあまあ、これくらい付き合ってやってもいいんじゃないか?
Claude: Come on, Teach. We got plenty of time to follow them down that deep, dark tunnel. Admit it.
Personally, I'm dying to find out more about this chasm and chalice business.
Choice 2: 暇だ We'll go with you.
リンハルト: そうですよねー。暇なので付き合えます。エーデルガルトさんは渋い顔してますけど。
Linhardt: I don't have anything scheduled before my next nap, so I guess that's fine. Edelgard doesn't look too thrilled, though...
コンスタンツェ: おーっほっほっほっほ!決まりですわね! 出発の刻ですわ!
Constance: Ahaha! Splendid! It is decided. We leave at once.
(アビス深層 昼)
The Depths | Daytime
リンハルト: ……ねえ、迷ってたりしませんよね、これ?もう三日くらい歩いてる気分なんですけど。
Linhardt: Feeling pretty lost right now. How long have we been walking? I'm guessing a full week.
ハピ: 三日って、キミ……。まだ半日も経ってないくらいじゃん。
Hapi: A week? Ridiculous. It's been a few hours at most.
エーデルガルト: でも確かに、これ以上の時間をかけるなら、水や食料にも懸念が出てくるわね。
Edelgard: Exaggerations aside, if this takes much longer, I'm concerned about our lack of food and water.
クロード: そうだな。もう少しだけ粘って駄目なら引き返したほうがいいな。
Claude: She's got a point. How about we trek a bit farther, and if we don't find anything, we turn back?
ディミトリ: ……しかしコンスタンツェ、お前、妙に宝杯にこだわっていないか?
Dimitri: Constance... I find it rather curious how quickly you became fixated on the chalice. Care to explain?
コンスタンツェ: あ、あら……な、何の話でしょう?私に他意などございませんわよ、ほほほ。
Constance: Oh, I... No. Why would I be fixated on a silly little legend...for some supposed ulterior motive? Ahaha...
ユーリス: 功を立てて教団に認められたいんだろ。取り潰された実家を立て直すためだとさ。
Yuri: Ha, you want the esteem. You think this will convince the church to help you restore your fallen house.
コンスタンツェ: な、なななぜそれを知っているのかしら?貴方まさか私の身辺を勝手に探りましたの?
Constance: Uh! How could you possibly know that?! Have you been snooping within the confines of my very mind?!
ユーリス: 口癖みてえに言ってるじゃねえか、お前。私の夢はヌーヴェル家の復興ですわ、って。
Yuri: "I shall restore House Nuvelle to its former glory at all costs!" Haha! It's practically your catchphrase.
リンハルト: あ、やっぱりコンスタンツェさんって、ヌーヴェル家の元令嬢なんですね。
Linhardt: Aha! Just as I suspected. Constance is the former lady of House Nuvelle.
Choice 1: ヌーヴェル家? What is House Nuvelle?
リンハルト: つい数年前まで、帝国の西部にあった歴史ある子爵家ですよ。
Linhardt: Until just a few years ago, it was a house of viscounts in the west of the Empire. They had a long and distinguished history.
Choice 2: 知っている? You know House Nuvelle?
リンハルト: まあ、そうですね。つい数年前まで帝国の西部にあった子爵家ですよ。
Linhardt: In a sense. Until just a few years ago, it was a house of viscounts in the west of the Empire.
エーデルガルト: ヌーヴェル家は、5年前に爵位を失ったの。戦役の責任を取ってね。
Edelgard: House Nuvelle lost its status five years ago, as a result of their part in the war.
コンスタンツェ: ……まるで他人事のような仰りようね。
Constance: Huh. You speak as though it has nothing to do with you.
エーデルガルト: 私にできるのは、何もできなかった父に代わってこの頭を下げることだけよ。
Edelgard: I fear all I can do is ask forgiveness in place of my useless father.
If doing so will comfort you in any way, then please accept my―
コンスタンツェ: ……結構ですわよ。私が望むのはただ一つ。
Constance: Save your breath. That will not be necessary. There is only one thing that I desire.
For the sake of my parents...who fell courageously and selflessly in defense of the Empire...
For them, I shall restore our status, revive House Nuvelle, and return it to its former glory!
All that I do, even spending each day advancing my magical prowess, is to that end.
ハピ: そーやって頑張った結果、地下生活を余儀なくされちゃうなんてね。
Hapi: And in reward for all that hard work, you were forced to live underground. Life's cruel.
It's like you took a shortcut back to the starting line. Or maybe you're just unlucky.
コンスタンツェ: なっ、何のことを言っているのかしら!貴方に、あの「私」を見せたつもりは……
Constance: What are you saying?! I never intended to share... that side of me with you...
バルタザール: おっと、帰らなくて良かったな。いよいよ谷底みたいだぜ。
Balthus: Look at that! It's a good thing we didn't turn back. That looks mighty chasm-like if you ask me.